12. How do I track the shipment of my artwork?
For updated and detailed information, we recommend tracking your package through the courier's website, whether it's DHL or FedEx.
To identify which courier is handling your package, locate the email notification you received with the subject: Your order item has been shipped.
This email contains a link that allows you to access a webpage with the tracking details of your order, including the specific courier and tracking number. Copy the tracking number from this page and then enter it on the courier's website to obtain the most recent information.
To track FedEx shipments, visit . www.fedex.com
To track DHL, visit www.dhl.com
A sales advisor will closely monitor your order until delivery and notify you of any important information.
If you cannot find the original notification email or if you have more questions about your purchase, send an email to sales@artgallerytheone.com